Pay Per Click Ads, Stars in Google Ads, and Google Seller Ratings

Using seller ratings and stars in Google ads in pay per click (PPC) advertising can help get greater click through rates which in most cases also reduces your overall cost per click by at least 17%.

Google seller ratings are an automated extension that showcase advertisers with high ratings. These are a rating out of five stars and also the number of ratings that the business has received.

They are aimed to help people find businesses that offer quality services and in turn help advertisers improve ad performance and earn more qualified leads.

How Does It Work?

JudgeService reviews can also carry through onto Google via a link in our surveys. These reviews are also shared via Google My Business in the “reviews from the web” section.

As well as looking more appealing for those using Google to search for a business (which the majority of us are!), the increased likelihood for click-through rewards businesses for having more positive reviews.

The stars in Google ads don’t just increase your click through but they also help towards your online reputation as they make your business look more trustworthy, reputable, and appealing to customers and prospects.

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Request a Demo

If you'd like a free demonstration of how we can enhance your pay per click advertising and get your JudgeService reviews onto Google My Business, fill out our contact form and we'll be in touch shortly!

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