23 September 2011 by Neil Addley

Spotting a Fake Review

We all know the impact positive reviews can have on a business' reputation and sales. Reviews have become so important to business success in recent years that some companies actively employ individuals to produce fake reviews. A quick search of the internet reveals a number of people willing to offer their services and produce fake reviews about your company or products.

In the past, people have attempted to post fake reviews themselves but have been largely unsuccessful. Certain factors such as IP address, browser, or operating system can give away your true identity whereas a number of unique users spread around the world posting reviews are much harder to detect.

Linchi Kwok, an assitant professor at the Syracuse University commented that internet shopping is now far more 'social' than it ever was, with customer reviews becoming a fundemental part of any marketing campaign as those responisble devote as much attention to this as they do to other aspects of their sales and marketing.

With so many customers relying on online reviews to assist them in making the correct decision, distinguishing between those you can trust and those you cannot is becoming harder and harder.

Earlier this year, Cornell researchers published a paper highlighting the increasing trend in fraudulent online reviews. The researchers developed a complex computer algorithm aimed at detecting fake reviews and created enough of a stir to attract the attention of a number of major players who have been affected by fake reviews such as Amazon, Hilton, and TripAdvisor.

According to the researchers, the algorithm was successful 90% of the time and detected fake reviews as having more of a narrative account and featured a number of superlatives while leaving out any real descriptive content.

At JudgeService, you can rest assured that all of our car dealer reviews are honest, transparent reviews from genuine customers.

photo of Neil Addley

Neil Addley

Hi, I’m Neil, the Managing Director and Founder of JudgeService. I have worked in the automotive industry for over 30 years. I have a passion for outstanding customer service and believe that reviews and insights can help businesses improve their customer’s experiences every time.

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