21 June 2022 by House Writer

Martin Luther King once said that “If a man is called a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and Earth will pause to say, here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well.” (McMullan, 2019)

Whatever your life’s work is, do it well. At JudgeService, we view this famous quote by Martin Luther King as a benchmark for excellence. We believe in doing your job so well that no one could do it better. Customer service should be at the heart of any business. The better the customer experience the more likely you are to succeed. Positivity is contagious. An employee who loves his or her job will have a domino effect, and their happiness will reflect on the mood of their customers. After all, no one wants to be greeted by a disgruntled employee.

Values to be proud of!

JudgeService believes in making the world a better place, one customer at a time. Taking pride in your job and what your business stands for will show to the outside world. Performing at your best, will likely lead to a positive result from your work and will leave you feeling prouder. It’s a cycle of growth. The result? Your business will thrive, and customers will want to benefit from your success.

A standard of excellence

One pessimistic member of staff might have a negative effect on other employees. Encouraging a standard of excellence as a benchmark in the workplace means every colleague will aim to perform at their best.

Higher employment retention

A manager who inspires each of their employees to work to the highest standard and rewards them for their excellence will inspire an attractive place to work. Employees who are are willing to work hard are employees you will want to keep. After all, every business wants to build the most positive representation of the company. To attract raving fans of your business, you must love what you do, or how else can you expect customers to love your brand? What we can all learn from great leaders, such as Martin Luther King, is that no matter what your role or purpose is, doing a job well and delivering excellence, is the key to success, whether that’s through customer service or simply sweeping the street.


McMullan, M. (2019, Jan 18). Martin Luther King, Jr. on Work: “Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well.”. Retrieved from American Manufacturing: martin-luther-king-jr-on-work-here-lived-a-great-street-sweeper-who-swept-his-job-well


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House Writer

This blog was written by the house writer of JudgeService. Want to be a guest writer? Email us at support@judgeservice.com with your request!

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